With the celebration of independence day last June 12, 2021. Laro Pilipinas online would like to share the chosen top Filipino Games in the Philippines.
These are games commonly played by kids, usually using native materials or instruments. In the Philippines, Filipino kids usually come up inventing games without needing anything but themselves due to limited resources of toys. With the ingenuity of humans to think and act to make the game more interesting , challenging and exciting. Since it's a tradition for Filipinos to play in a spacious and wide area, most of these games were played outdoors. Some games were being played or held on fiestas especially in the province.
Here are some traditional games in the philippines.
Agawan Base
- Consist of two teams with their own corners as their base. The number of players depends on each team but most of the kids used to have an equal number of players.
- The goal is to tag the other team's base without getting tagged. Once you're tagged you will be on the opponent side and must be rescued. The team who has touched the base of their opponent before
they were being tagged or touch their team mate in the opponent's base wins, and that will be 1 point.
Video Source OyayiTV
Chinese Garter
Two people hold both ends of a stretched garter horizontally while the others attempt to cross over it. The goal is to cross over the garter without tripping on it. Each round, the garter's height is increased every round ( the game starts with the garter at ankle-level then knee level until the garter is positioned above the head.)
Langit Lupa
- Langit lupa (heaven and earth) - One "It" chases after players who are allowed to run on level ground (lupa) and clamber over objects (langit). The "It" may tag players who remain on the ground, but not those who are standing in the "langit" (heaven). The tagged player then becomes "It" and the game continues.
Find out more in this video below
Each member of the group who is it stands on the water lines. The perpendicular line in the middle allows the it designated on that line to intersect the lines occupied by the it that the parallel line intersects, thus increasing the chances of the runners to be trapped , even only a single member of a group is tagged the whole group will be the it.
video source : Game Play Patintero | Team Yey
The object being used to play the game is also called sipa. It is made out of a washer or lead with a shape of colorful threads, usually plastic straw,(sometimes candy wrapper) attached to it. The player must not allow the "sipa" to touch the ground by hitting it several times with their foot, or sometimes the part just above the knee. The player must count the number of times they was able to kick the sipa. The higher the number of times, the better.
Video Source : NGEOW-Wa Channel
Tumbang Preso
The game requires at least 3 players. Every player is given a huge throw away item mosty called "pamato". A semi-leveled void tin or plastic holder (the size of a 8 or 12 oz. tins) is set in an upstanding position 6 or 8 meters from the tossing line. A player is drawn as the detainee (typically through a framework like Jack en Poy). The detainee will monitor the unfilled tin or holder.
Different players remain at the tossing line. They alternate tossing their "pamato" at the vacant tin, attempting to wreck it. When the can is wrecked, the detainee should return the tin in an upstanding situation before he can tag any of the players endeavoring to recuperate their "pamato". On the off chance that the "pamato" turns out to be excessively near the tin in an upstanding position, so the detainee can step on both with one foot, the proprietor of the "pamato" turns into the new "detainee". The detainee can likewise label the players while recuperating their "pamato" outside the tossing line.
After each toss, a player should recuperate his "pamato". Should he be labeled by the detainee before he arrives at the tossing line, he turns into the detainee in the following game.
Video Source : Aeron Madz
Most of the kids today are not familiar with these games anymore. Sometimes they are much more engaged in online games. The only thing that they knew this game was through social media post. What if these games have online? Would it help these games to be popular even in the next generations?.
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